chansey 1:3iv natural cure shiny,chansey2:4iv (almost 5 miss 1 point in spatk,not 31 in speed) shiny with hidden ability
scyther:adamant technician 5 iv missing spatk
larvitar:adamant guts 5iv missing speed.egg move:dragon dance
Beldum:adamant clear body 5 iv missing spatk
Snivy:timid contrary 5iv missing atk egg move mirror coat.
Honedge :adamant no guard 5iv missing spatk egg move wide guard.
Bagon:jolly rock head almost 6iv egg move dragon dance
Ask me in the comments about genders and stuff.If you are not satisfied with the specific gender i have other pokemon that may have the gender you want but they may lack ivs in other attributes.
OT:Geo ID NO:209351
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