lundi 1 octobre 2018

Let's turn the yellows... er, not yellow together!

[casual] Sorry guys, had a thing come up

Will be back at it in about an hour

If you can wait, still hit me up with requests etc

Hey peeps.


It's crunch time. Not the 80 power, physical, Dark type move that may lower the target's defence by one stage (although I do love the move). More the; I'm getting close to achieving my goal crunch. The goal being to have a full collection of HA, 4EM breedables with a matching ball

Which, incidentally, Crunch Time might have to be the nickname for my next Sharpedo or similar :P


Basically, here's my sheet. If you see something highlighted in yellow on there, it's something I'm looking for.

Unfortunately the navigation buttons don't work outside of Excel :(

For example, Relicanth I have the egg moves and Level Ball just not the HA yet. Whereas I am completely bereft of Baltoy.


So if you have a yellowy thang on my sheet there; I'm interested (blank egg move columns just mean I haven't been bothered to look them up yet, but am open to any if they're the max that mon can have).

If you want something from there from me for trade, I'd be happy to keep the Day Care Centre in a job.


Got some on-hands too if you're in a hurry including

  • Friend: Smeargle
  • Heavy: K.Vulpix
  • Moon: Gligar, Kangaskhan, Snorunt
  • Safari: Spheal, Exeggcute, Farfetch'd, K.Grimer
  • Level: Makuhita, Helioptile
  • Dream: Whismur, Pansage
  • Fast: Magby
  • Love: Audino

* All with HA and 4EMs where possible (except Grimer who only has 3)


Trade rates are 1:1 and feel free to post your own sheet if that'll be easier

Hopefully by our powers combined we can make it happen!


Cheers :D

Current Trades:

User From them From me Status
/u/TheMadCollector Fast Smoochum, Fast Remoraid Fast Smoochum, Level Elekid Breeding
/u/lojargus Heal HA Eevee DBHA Whismur DONE!

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