mardi 2 octobre 2018

LF HA rareball breedjects FT Rareball Breedjects


I have been breeding, and I have some breedjects left over, with HA and some with EM, listed in the below table. I am looking for mons I am missing from my sheet, with priority to HA rareball mons I don't have (the white squares on the second sheet). Happy Trading.

Note: I am not breeding right now.


For Trade

Ball Mon Number
Dream Caterpie 2
Dream Kanto Geodude 4
Fast Skrelp 3
Dream Kanto Diglett 1
Dream Hopip 3
Lure Axew 1
Dream Koffing 5
Lure Magby 1
Love Mareanie 3
Dream Venonat 3
Dream Drilbur 8
Friend Turtonator 1
Lure Torkoal 1
Lure Kanto Rattata 2
Dream Absol 3
Lure Cutiefly 1
Friend Pikipek 2
Lure Mimikyu 2
Lure Togepi 2
Lure Pancham 1
Level Skrelp 1
Lure Pidgey 3
Dream Aerodactyl 1
Friend Starly 2
Dream Yanma 2
Dream Meditite 1
Dream Remoraid 1
Dream Kanto Grimer 2
Love Murkrow 1
Fast Phanpy 2
Fast Piplup 2
Dream Spinda 2
Level Pichu 1
Heavy Fletchling 1
Heavy Pidgey 3
Fast Fletchling 1
Level Murkrow 3
Level Jangmo-o 1
Fast Pikipek 1
Fast Rufflet 2
Dream Spoink 1
Heavy Rattata-A 2
Level Tauros 3
Level Zubat 1
Fast Sandshrew-K 1
Friend Magnemite 1
Fast Remoraid 4
Level Spearow 3
Love Luvdisc 4
Heavy Dratini 5
Lure Krabby 1
Level Machop 1
Friend Krabby 1
Level Growlithe 3
Level Staryu 3
Friend Kangaskhan 3
Lure Tauros 2

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